Managing Salt for Health: A Pathway to Safer Living

Reducing Salt | Health & Wellbeing | INFRA Skills

At INFRA Skills, nurturing a healthy lifestyle and managing salt for health form the crux of our mission, particularly within the infrastructure sector, where safety holds precedence. A significant part of this commitment is tackling the issue of salt consumption. Although salt is a crucial part of our diet, excessive intake can lead to health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. This article offers insights into managing your salt intake effectively.

Unravelling the Risks

Understanding the risks of excessive salt consumption is crucial for managing salt for health. Overconsumption can escalate blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Awareness of these risks can inspire and motivate changes in salt intake patterns.

Setting Boundaries

Health connoisseurs advise adults to restrict salt intake to less than 6g daily. Adherence to this limit can shield you from the detrimental health effects of excessive salt consumption.

Incorporating Small Changes

Subtle changes can play a pivotal role in regulating salt for well-being. Consider swapping your favourite foods with low-salt or no-salt alternatives to control sodium for a healthier lifestyle. For instance, instead of regular bacon, choose turkey bacon or pick low-salt cheeses like mozzarella over cheddar as part of your strategy for sodium wellness.

Inspection of the Cupboards

Indeed, subtle changes can play a pivotal role. By regulating salt for well-being, you embark on a healthier lifestyle. Firstly, consider swapping out some of your favourite foods for low-salt or no-salt alternatives. For example, instead of regular bacon, why not choose turkey bacon? Similarly, when deciding on cheeses, pick low-salt options like mozzarella over cheddar as a proactive measure in your journey toward sodium wellness.

Accessing Support

If controlling salt for better health becomes a hurdle, it’s crucial to realise that reaching out for guidance is paramount. Initially, getting in touch with your doctor or reputable health organisations, like the British Heart Foundation, might be beneficial for tailored recommendations. Furthermore, our Occupational Health Nurses are primed to deliver insightful advice at INFRA Skills. They’re there to give recommendations and extend vital support and curated resources that ensure you master your salt consumption, paving the way for optimal health.

In fact, at INFRA Skills, championing a health-centric and safeguarded working atmosphere is at the heart of what we stand for. Balancing your salt consumption is an intrinsic element of this dedication. By deeply comprehending the associated risks, strategically establishing limits, implementing thoughtful shifts in diet, and actively seeking help when required, you set yourself up to proficiently oversee your salt consumption. This proactive approach boosts personal health and is pivotal in cultivating a more protected and health-optimised workspace for everyone.


What are the risks associated with excessive salt consumption?

Overconsumption of salt can escalate blood pressure, heightening the risk of heart disease and stroke. Awareness of these risks is crucial for effective management of salt intake.

What are the suggested boundaries for salt consumption?

Health connoisseurs advise adults to restrict salt intake to less than 6g daily. Adherence to this limit can shield you from the detrimental health effects of excessive salt consumption.

What changes can be incorporated to manage salt intake?

Subtle changes can bring about considerable differences. Consider swapping your favourite foods with low-salt or salt-free options. For example, replace regular bacon with turkey bacon or select low-salt cheeses like mozzarella over cheddar.

What support do INFRA Skills provide for managing salt intake?

Our Occupational Health Nurses are equipped to guide INFRA Skills. They can offer advice, support, and resources to assist you in taking control of your salt consumption.

At INFRA Skills, we’re passionate about delivering high-quality training and assessments tailored to the infrastructure sector. Our dedicated team is always here to help and guide you. If you have any questions or want to chat about our courses, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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Occupational Health Enquiry

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